Saturday, November 8, 2008

Scripture Union Peru Investment Opportunity

Hi everyone.

Scripture Union is looking for investors for its latest revenue generating project. For those who don't know, Scripture Union is largely self-funded through various businesses owned by Scripture Union, and the latest big project will be a compressed natural gas service station. The revenue will benefit the various Scripture Union ministries, including the abandoned boys ministry. I've posted a presentation that details the project here. If you are interested in more information, please contact Billy Clark at yashmingracefaithhope -at- Thanks in advance for all who can help.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Short Term Trip to Peru

Hi everyone!

I've been MIA for a while on the blog, but I have some good news. I'm looking into organizing a trip to Peru from June 21-30. I'll also be sending out an email this week, so please let me know before Friday if you're interested in going to Kusi (the boys home in the mountains) for that week. I estimate that the trip will cost between $1600 and $1800 per person, a portion of which is not for travel/living costs, but a donation that goes towards construction materials, etc.

On a personal note, life in DC hasn't been incredibly eventful. I've begun to help out with some ministries in DC and VA. I'm helping out with Daybreak, which is a great organization that works with kids in southeast DC, and I've also been working with the Hispanic Daylaborer and clothing shop ministries at church. It's been a good opportunity to continue hearing Spanish, but I also need to be working harder to improve my Spanish.

One thing that's been disappointingly absent from my life back in the states is the feeling that my whole day and the work I do is devoted totally to God. That's a feeling that was everpresent in Peru. So in that regard, I'm hoping to find a ministry that I can support full time, so your prayers are appreciated in that area.

God bless.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

An Easier Way to Give

For anyone who has been giving to Scripture Union Peru through Latin America Mission (Billy and Yashmin Clark), I've just discovered that it's very easy to give online, and you can even use a credit card. Just follow this link:

Sorry I haven't had lots of interesting stuff to post recently, but I promise more to come, as I'm just beginning to get involved in some ministries here in D.C.

God bless,

Monday, October 29, 2007

Go Buy Four Boards and Take Him Away

Here is another story from my Scripture Union packet.

The nightmare started ten years ago for Luis. He was then seven and already lived in the streets of the jungle town of Pucallpa. Hungry and fearful, he strayed further and further from home.

By helping load river boats, he was able to go from village to village, always moving on when he wore out his welcome. His only beds were the dusty streets, as close as possible to the market stalls where he often found women who would give him bread, or the root of the yuca, or hopefully a piece of fish, usually the head.

He eventually hit the big river, the mighty Amazon itself. This led to life in the city. Whatever innocence he had had as a child was now gone. Whatever dreams he had dared to dream had long since been shattered. Haunted by old fears, by hunger and pain, he sank deeper and deeper into the darkest side of Iquitos.

There it was in early December that Scripture Union staff worker, Juan Davila, lifted Luis off a filthy pavement surrounded by garbage. His body was consumed and he could no longer eat the scraps which people dropped as they passed by.

"Don't pick me up. Don't help me. I want to die," the boy pleaded. But Juan and one of our other kids who himself had been rescued from these very same streets, lifted him up and brought him to our Center.

Two days later, gasping for breath, Luis was taken to the hospital. The facilities there were very basic, but the doctor was agreeable and gave the boy oxygen while Juan went out to look for blood.

The following morning, pointing to Luis, who looked more lke a skeleton than anything else, the doctor said, "The boy's lungs are completely gone. He is in the very last stage of tuberculosis. I can do absolutely nothing for him. I suggest you go buy four boards and take him away. He is dying."

Luis heard this and now cried out, "Please help me. I want to live."

"Doctor," said Juan, "I don't plan to nail together a coffin. The boy has to live. May I make a deal with you?" He hesitated, and then continued, "You, as a man of science do your part, and I as a Christian will do mine." Dr. Jimenez agreed and treatment continued.

Other boys from our center offered to help. Tito slept beside Luis on a cot to let him know that someone cared. Pancho looked for the Pastor of the church he now attends, and this man of God led Luis to saving faith in Jesus.

Three weeks later, Dr. Jimenez called Juan to the side, introduced him to four young interns and asked, "Would you please tell me and my students what it was you did to make this boy live?"

"Well, doctor," said Juan, "you were able to..."

"No, Juan," interrupted the doctor, "That is precisely the point. What I did could not have ever brought Luis back from the door of death." Juan was able to testify to the power of God and of believing prayer.

A week later, the hospital went on strike. The doctor waived his fees and all hospital charges, and Luis was brought 'home' to us in an ambulance.

I talked to him last night. He is still weak. He can, however, stand up and take some steps. He is still skin and bones, but I have seen him smile.

"Do you feel a little better?" I inquired.

"Yes, Jesus is making me well."

Pancho's grandmother burned the soles of his feet so that he couldn't run.

Juancho was used as a soccer ball by police until his forehead was disfigured.

Chiqui's father beat him with rebar before tossing him into the streets.

Wilmer was abandoned in a city of 8 million at age 4.

Paco was too small to steal and get away, so instead he exchanged sexual favors for food.

Luis lived in fear that his father would use him as live bait for piranhas.

Smoking the fungus that grows on human excrement will usually put Carlos to sleep.

Alex is 8. His mom works the streets and he was getting in the way.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Quemadito / Deaf / Americo

This is series of stories about Scripture Union that was included in the intern packet they gave me when I arrived in Peru. It will help you understand what the life of a streetboy is like, and what Scripture Union does to help them.

Prostitution or stealing - that was his only choice. He was only ten, yet had no other way to survive. People called him Quemadito, "little burnt one", because he was small for his age and dark skinned. He snatched a watch on a busy street, hoping to trade it for food, for he was very hungry. But Qeumadito was never to eat again. The man from whom he stole chased him. One and another and another joined in the chase. The crowd finally caught up with him, beat him to death, crushed his skull, and left his little body beside the road. Sadly, Scripture Union had not reached him in time.

Hospitals have emergency rooms, but they also sponsor programs for disease prevention. Similarly, Scripture Union staff and volunteers pick abandoned boys up off the streets, but are also developing work in the schools across the country in order to reach kids for Christ before they are abandoned. Parents in Peru are made to go to their child's school a couple of times a month to receive whatever instruction the teachers with to give them. Often our S.U. staff are invited to do this. What an opportunity!

Behind a street boy there is a woman who is a victim - a victim of one and then another good-for-nothing man that leaves her with yet another child before moving on. In a world of poverty and mass unemployment, a woman needs a man to bring in at least a bit of food for her and her growing number of children. So we teach boys and girls and their parents God's better way. The boys must grow to be responsible adults and the girls must be taught that they too are valuable and need not be bullied the rest of their lives. As their parents encounter God, they too will change, and there will be less children put out into the streets to live on their own.

S.U. also works with the deaf, who are widely believed to be God's punishment on the family. Senora Amelia recently came into our office - she was beaming. "Last night," she said, "was the first time in my thirteen year old daughter's life that I said something to her and she answered me!" Both she and Juanita had been taking signing lessons from an S.U. volunteer.

It was years ago now that a boy led S.U.'s Ernesto Zavala to his hiding place. He was not only deaf, but he had been abandoned. Full of confusion and fear, he lived alone in the cold streets of Lima, always just one step ahead of adults, many of whom would like to see all street boys dead. Ernesto prayed to God, asking him to exchange this little fellow's nightmare for a dream. Our Lord answereed the prayer by using the incident to open the door for a new ministry - a ministry to the growing number of street boys in the cities of Peru.

A policewoman came into my office not long ago. "I have four boys in the back of my van," she announced. "I would be very grateful if you would take them in. I understand that this is a place for street boys."

"Yes," I said, "but this is not a prison. These boys will come in this door and walk right out through another. Our doors are all open to the street, and although we do all we can to encourage them to stay, we do not take away from them the freedom God gave them to choose."

"I do understand," she said, "but I really want to leave them here. You see, I have a problem. I am a policewoman, and I know what it is to obey orders. However, this time I have been given an order which I cannot obey." She hesitated, then continued, "You see, aside from being a policewoman, I am also a mother."

I asked what she had been ordered to do.

"Take these boys and 'disappear' them."

"I understand," I replied. "We'll take them."

They came in our front door and ran out the back. We never saw them again.

Since our street boy center in Lima opened, four of our boys have been killed. The others have all been brutally treated and most of them tortured - water poured over their naked bodies and electric wires applied to them, put in closed rooms where hungry police dogs are let loose, forced to drink their own urine, or made to sit naked on red hot bricks. Small wonder they find it hard to believe that God loves them. And yet he does. And it is our task to show these dear boys that the unconditional love of Jesus - the love of one who knows what it is to suffer, to be misunderstood, and finally, to be abandoned. The one who was tortured and left to die that we might be set free. Far from seeing themselves as victims, street boys feel profoundly guilty and believe that they are wicked and deserving of all that comes their way.

A sixteen year old recently came into one of our centers with a very small street boy. "Would you keep him?" he asked, pushing the little fellow forward. "I found him just last night. I can tell that he has not been on the street long. I feel sorry for him, for I know what waits him.

"Of course we will keep him," Carlos, one of our staff workers, responded. "You come in too. There is room here for both of you."

"No," said the older boy. "I am bad. If you knew me you wouldn't want me."

"Please stay," insisted Carlos. "This place is for boys like you, and bigger people like me. We are all bad, and unworthy of God's love."

"You don't know who you are talking to," interrupted the boy. Then looking over his shoulder as he walked out onto the street, "for me it is too late."
Carlos took the younger boy by the hand and walked towards the dining room with a very heavy heart.

Americo's story is different. His conversion was marvelous. With not enough food to go around, his mother put him out when he was seven years old. He was picked up off the streets of Iquitos, a city on the Amazon, and taken to a government institution from which, shortly afterwards, he escaped. He got himself up to neighboring Colombia. There he lived the life of a street boy and was eventually jailed. Years later, he escaped from prison, got back to the river, and eventually once again to Iquitos. When we picked Americo off the streets we estimated him to be about twelve. He was deeply scarred and found it hard to trust anyone. Over the next few years he heard the Gospel many times, yet believed it was for others - certainly not for him.

Then just recently, one of our staff took him to his church's camp. At the campfire , the group of mostly Christian teenagers were invited to take a piece of wood off the wood pile, and prayerfully put it into the fire, mentioning a sin in their lives that needed forgiving. Then after a long pause, Americo stood up and walked over to the wood pile. He leaned over, picked up a huge armful of wood, and stood there, tears streaming down his face. That night there was rejoicing in heaven as yet another sinner was saved by God's amazing grace. Some time later I saw Americo. He came to me with a big smile I had never seen before. "Dios me cambio," he said. "God has changed me."

And that, dear friends, is what S.U. is all about.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Back in the States

Hello everyone.

I've been back in the states for 3 weeks and I've been completely silent in the blog, mostly because I haven't been doing anything but hiding myself away in my parents home. I've been unsure of what I'll do for the future of my blog, since my life is probably going to be a bit more mundane in the near future. However, I still have some stories about the boys in an intern packet that I haven't posted to the blog, so expect to see those, and I've just recently planned my next trip to Peru around New Year's. So I won't be totally devoid of interesting material after I move back to Northern VA this Saturday (if anyone wants to help!) and return to IBM to do the consulting thing.

How am I adjusting to life in the states? That's the big question. In a way, I hope I never really adjust. I learned what abundant luxury we have in the U.S.: clean water out of the faucet, hot showers, quality meat in our food. Most of us don't have to worry about crime every time we leave our house, and pedestrians have the right of way... If I haven't mentioned this before, you don't walk across the street in Lima, you run across the street.

A couple good things that I'm enjoying about the states - people don't yell at you to buy things everywhere you go, and young couples aren't making out in public everywhere you go. That seemed to be popular for Lima...

One thing that I've become increasingly aware of from my trip to Peru is how I spend my money. Every time I spend money on something unessential, I think about the fact that I am spending frivolously on myself, at the expense of the people I could be helping with that same money. It's hard to live with the simple luxuries of American life when you have friends that don't have those luxuries. I sometimes wonder if the boys would be disappointed if they saw the huge gap between the way I live and the way they live.

As for my future in Peru, I've come to the realization that my money can probably help a great deal more than my visits to Peru, because the work at Scripture Union Peru will best be managed by native Peruvians. However, I have lots of friends in Peru, most of whom are between the ages of 8 and 19. Because of my new friends, I've already planned my next trip for the end of December. I'll be visiting Puerto Alegria for 2 weeks.

As for longer term plans, I would like to improve my Spanish so that I'm fully fluent, and possibly translate for American and British mission teams. I'm also interested in finding a full time Christian ministry in the states where I could support international missions or evangelism.

So make sure you check back to the blog every now and then. I'll be posting some stories about the boys in Peru. Thanks to everyone that supported me and SUP on my trip this summer. I hope to see you in person soon.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Back from the Jungle

This past week was pretty special because I got the opportunity to visit some friends that I didn't think I'd see again this summer. I went to Puerto Alegria to visit the boys living in the Amazon near Iquitos.

When I got off the boat, the boys immediately recognized me, even though I no longer had the giant beard. Another thing that made returning special is that I can speak and understand a great deal more Spanish now, which lets me get to know the boys better. I was able to tell the boys about my family, and my life in the states, and most importantly, about all my favorite delicious foods. I recently added pollo a la braza can aji to that list (roasted chicken with chili sauce).

One interesting thing that I heard from Gabino, one of the older boys, is that he thought they only had crime, alcoholics, drugs, and sexual immorality in Peru. He was surprised to hear that we have those in the states. After thinking about it, I realized that the only Americans he's met are folks on mission teams, so his impression of Americans is completely based on folks that travel halfway around the world to help people.

Speaking of the Americans, I went to Puerto Alegria with a group from Nashville, Tennessee, and a couple folks from Alabama. We were a small group of 13, so we didn't do the major construction stuff. Instead we fixed up the boys dorm and the dining hall - we replaced mosquito nets, sanded, and lacquered. I was really excited that we would be doing light work, until I became the "sanding expert" and spent hours scraping doors. I felt like the karate kid, painting Mr. Miagi's fence.

The work wasn't too tough in the end because we actually only did a half day of labor each day. Each afternoon the group did a vacation Bible school with the boys and with the other kids from the town of Puerto Alegria. They told Bible stories, did crafts, and played games with the kids.

I came out of dodgball retirement this week after a 15 year hiatus, and I'm happy to report that I'm AWESOME. The best part of playing dodgeball in Peru is that the name of the game is mata gente. This translates literally to "kill people." Every time I told Elvis how much I liked mata gente, he'd said "Mata gente - knife, machete, pistol. Let's play!"

On Sunday we went to a little church in Belen, the slums of Iquitos. It was a wooden house on stilts and looked no different from the other houses. I'm convinced this is the greatest church in the history of mankind. The people greeted us with such joy, and we ended up dancing and singing with the kids in front of everyone before the service was over. It was amazing to be so foreign and so welcomed at the same time. The most encouraging part was seeing how many young kids were in the church, and how they were so joyful to be at church and have us there.

We made our regular tour of Belen, which is a city where the streets are essentially sewers. Be happy I don't have my camera to take pictures of Belen. While we were there I saw a soccer ball roll into a sewage ditch. A 10 year old boy picked it up with his hands, threw it back on the field and continued playing. Belen ("Bethlehem" in English) is where most of the boys in Puerto Alegria came from.

Of course the highlight of the trip was spending time with the boys. Played some good volleyball, played some bad soccer, swam in the river, sang songs, played games, and jumped on the trampoline in the rain. The rain is absolutely beautiful in the jungle. It feels wonderful to play outside in the rain and even shower under the rain spouts. The advantage of showering like that is that you don't smell like the river afterwards!

We also watched a movie every night with the boys while the generator was running and we had electricity. They love professional wrestling apparently. I can't say the same for myself, but I stuck around and watched with them since they were enthralled by it. The first night I was exstatic to see they were going to watch Thundercats on DVD, which gave me a great excuse to change into my newly purchased Thundercats t-shirt (bought it in Lima). We also watch Terminator 4... For those of you who will make accusations that there is no Terminator 4, I tell you that you are wrong. I think it was some kind of ridiculous cancelled TV show pilot. If you haven't already guessed from the last 3 sentences, "The Sarah Conner Chronicles" were indeed horrendous. Please ask me, and I will tell you much more about this ridiculous film/show.

There was also an adorable little kitty in Puerto Alegria. It was amazingly resilient to the harsh treatment of 26 little boys. It also caught a mouse and ate it in front of me, which caused me to perceive kitty as slightly less adorable, although still cute.

Our last night with the boys was by far the most fun. They performed 4 choreographies for us, and following their last one, they told us that we had to do something too. This was hilarious because we had to make up a choreography on the spot. I made sure to throw in the robot, and some handstands, and that move where you grab someone's hand and make a ripple effect with your arms (sorry - I have no other way to describe this move). The kids and the gringos had a blast, and I got to set loose my passion for dancing.

Of course the best part of my time in the jungle was the boys themselves. I got to play vball with Elvis, who I got close to last time. Steven is still brilliant, and joyful, and infinitely patient. Steven is going to do great things for the Lord some day. Gabino is a comedian and a great example for the younger boys. Junior is the littlest, the cutest, and an total terror.

The last day the house father, Gene, set aside some time to tell us the stories of some of the boys. The were all very tough to hear, but they also showed us how God was working through Scripture Union in Puerto Alegria. As an example, there was one boy who was thrown in the garbage dump because his father thought he had beaten the boy to death. For years after he arrived in Puerto Alegria, he would hide in his room instead of spending time with the other boys, and would not participate socially. Gene told us this boy has touched his heart much more than the others because, as we could see ourselves, this boy was laughing and playing games and joking around with the other boys. This is a life that was literally pulled from the garbage, literally saved from death. He now has a family that loves him and a hope for a future.

Now that I'm looking at the clock, I realize that I still have to say goodbye to the boys here in Lima and get ready for my flight tomorrow. I'm making an executive decision to not proofread this post, which I already know is completely discontinuous. So you're just going to have to deal with it, and give me a call tomorrow to find out about Puerto Alegria directly from me!

I have a ton on my mind right now and I'm a bit upset because several boys left the center here in Lima this week, some of which I was pretty close to. Pray for all the boys here. I have no idea what my future in Peru looks like, although I want to return for a month or two next year and lead teams. I also want to bring YOU with me next year, because I want my friends in Peru to meet my friends from the US.

I'm seriously questioning what God has planned for me next. I anticipate a horrible time returning to life in the US, seeing all the waste and greed and selfishness in the US. I hope to never become indifferent to these things. I hope I never stop suffering as I witness these things, and I hope God can use what I've learned in Peru to change lives in the US. I'm especially interested in getting involved with kids back in the states, specifically teenagers, maybe playing basketball with them or something...

I'm also feeling very guilty, knowing that I'm returning to a life of luxury compared to my life here. I feel that there's a huge irreconcilable gap between my life here with the boys, and my life at home, enjoying pleasures that these boys will never have. I'm anticipating a rough time dealing with this, so please send a prayer my way as well.

Sorry again for any unproofread nonsense above. Love you, Mom. See you soon.