Tuesday, May 8, 2007

More Prayer Requests

It was a tough day for some of the folks from Regina. Brendan's 2 year old daughter, Keily, who's still at home in Canada, was just hospitalized for spinal meningitis today and is on life support. Brendan is flying back and will be with his family tonight. Please say a prayer for Brendan, his daughter, and the rest of his family.

Before we learned about Brendan's daughter we had a nice picnic at the park. My buddies Lori and Brett and I acted like degenerates.
We also had a race up the slide and climbed around this crazy modern jungle gym. The kids these days have some awesome playground stuff, including a mini rock climbing wall. However, one huge omission from the playground - the monkey bars.

Sidenote: Brett, the Nebraska farm boy did NOT fit in the kiddie playhouse.

On the job I did lots more drywalling. My hand hurts. Hopefully we'll finish up tomorrow.


Cheesemaster0 said...

I will certainly be lifting up Brendan, Keily, and family to the Lord. I have confidence that this situation will end in all glory going to God for His might and control of everything that happens here on Earth. We can rest assured in that knowledge.

Also,I wanted to say that those are some sweet pics you put up. Borg (the milk chugging guy) looks like he was probably victorious in his apparent endevour to drink that gallon of milk. I do have a challenge to propose to you all down there. See who in the group, if any, can completely chew and swallow three packages of saltine crackers (you know, the ones with two squares in eat wrapper) in one minute or less.

Now that you have undoubtedly accepted this spiritual challenge, I leave you to do it.

Peace out, and stay away from rotten bananas- they tend to attract annoying insects.


Jared said...

Dude... Borg completed the saltine challenge and the spoonful of cinnamon challenge. I had no idea cinnamon was a challenge, but apparently it's tough.

Frontline Roundtable said...

Jared, keep us updated on anything delicious you are eating on your world tour! miss you man.