Friday, June 1, 2007

Sending Donations CORRECTION!

My instructions on sending donations that I posted earlier aren't correct. The donations will get here if you send them to Perú, but you won't be able to get a tax deductible receipt. To donate and get a receipt, send a check to the following address:
Latin America Mision
P.O. Box 52-7900
Miami, FL 33152-7900

Make sure to include a note on a separate piece of paper or post-it that says:
Billy and Yashmin Clark
Work Funds

The separate note is important because it will make sure the money gets to Scripture Union, and that you can get a tax deductible receipt. Sorry for the misinformation earlier.

I still plan to post a wishlist for donations of clothes and other necessities. They will best be sent to a mission team in the states before they travel to Perú. Mail to Perú is expensive...


Anonymous said...

My friend---I should have called you before you left. I miss you. (Thanks for the updated donation information--it came just in time.)God bless.

2 Corinthians 5:17-21


Unknown said...


As you know, I am currently poor until the end of August. Please know that I commit to sending you a monthly donation after August when I will better know my financial situation. Gook luck and God Bless. I am praying for you.