Saturday, April 28, 2007


It's been soooo long since I've had a fun day at the beach. Thank you, Jess Pomeroy for your hospitality in Pensacola, FL. I'm so jealous that this friend of mine upgrades his career, cuts his cost of living in half, and lives luxuriously, 30 minutes from the beach. If I weren't running away to Peru to save orphans I would say this is the life for me.

So today I played volleyball for the first time in probably a year and it was fantastic. My body is beaten and battered. I haven't felt this good in a while.

We also ate at Hooters and I decided that while Hooter's has tasty food, it's wrong to eat there because I'm giving money to an organization that hires people based solely on physical appearance and glorifies sex. Wait... Hard Times does that too... =( I guess I just can't win in this world.

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