Friday, July 27, 2007

No Parasites

Turns out it was just a bacterial infection that had me out of commission during my entire stay in Kusi. I was disappointed that I don't get to have parasites. Last Saturday after returning to Lima, I got sick again. Isabel took me to the clinic, and they patched me up nicely with some antibiotics. I'm back to strength now, and I'm just trying to eat as much as possible to gain back the weight I lost.

I've been extra busy this week in Lima, because I decided to try to put together the website for Scripture Union. They've been wanting to start up their website again, but don't have anyone with the expertise. Well I don't have any expertise, but I spent about 4 days studying online. I'm not sure if I'll be able to put together something professional looking, but I'm going to give it a shot, and in the worst case I'll be a little smarter in the ways of web design.

Tomorrow I leave for Kusi again for 2 weeks, so I'll be out of touch again. I'm very excited to spend some time in Kusi working and playing and NOT being sick.

By the way, there's a radio station in Lima that plays all American 80's music. I think it's the greatest thing ever...

Here are some of the Lima kids. I don't think I've put up any pictures of them yet, and I've spent the most time with them. This is Michel.

This is Victor. He's nuts. I think he's fairly new to the center and he gives me a giant running hug every time he sees me. He then proceeds to tickle-attack me, which can sometimes be painful. He also sings beautifully in Quechua.

Between Victor and I is the most adorable little guy in the history of western civilization. I've tried to ask him his name, but he's tiny and I have no idea what he's saying...

Here are some other boys. The one with the white bandana is Raul. He plays the main role of the streetboy in the choreography I wrote about earlier. He's also the head boy in his class at school - I think that's like class president or something.

This is Jaime. He's posing for this picture, believe it or not. He made me a bracelet, which was very nice of him, and he finally stopped asking me what his name is... every time I see him... which is pretty much every day. A small thing like having someone know your name is a hugely important thing for these kids. Great kid. In the choreography he plays the role of one of the street boys that ignores the help of the SUP workers and goes back to the street.
There are a few more up my flickr page as well, so check them out.

Oh, I'll also mention that I've done lots of reading. I dropped a couple bad books mid-way through, and I finished Dr. Bloodmoney by Philip K. Dick, which was an excellent light read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your Pittsburgh sweatshirt.

Miss you. Cara is in Peru too.

Hope you are doing well... and a bit jealous of my mother's voicemail the other day.

God bless my friend.