Monday, July 9, 2007

Still in Lima

Things have been going well in Lima. I spent several days with Asan, who works for Scripture Union, and Asan's family. It was good for me because they don't speak English... Slowly but surely my ability to communicate is improving. I still stink though...

Here's a shot of Asan and his family.

And they're adorable puppy.

The work in Lima has been a bit slow, so I'm excited to return to the jungle on Wednesday. I'll be going to Kimo, which is a different part of the jungle than I was in previously. I'm excited to use my hammock again.

On the homefront, I received some bad news from mom this morning. She woke up this morning and our dog Romeo was . They don't know what happened. I left the states assuming I'd never see our other puppy Quinn again, and Romeo dies.
Update: Romeo had a tumor on his spleen. It ruptured and he bled to death in his sleep. Seems he didn't go through too much pain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy, sorry about your dog.