On a positive note, I finally finished Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. It was quite a struggle. Nothing really gripped me in the novel except when Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov opened up to the other characters. Rodya opened up so infrequently that there was little motivation for me to keep reading. It was a decent novel with an interesting theme, but the main character is so mentally unstable most of the time that the read is not so enjoyable.

In other news, I'm spending my time here in PA gearing up for my exodus. I'll be spending lots of time calling folks this week before I send out a big email telling everyone where I'm going, what I'll be doing, and how you can contribute. So if I have your number, be ready for me to call. If I don't have your number and you're interested in supporting me while I help the kids in Peru, send me and email at jmb496@gmail.com. I'll give you a call and make sure you're on my email.
Jared, read The Minister's Black Veil by Nathanial Hawthorne. It is a short story and I think it will give you another perspective on your new beard. Let me know how you like it. Here is a link for it. http://www.eldritchpress.org/nh/mbv.html
There have been some pretty good nights of stars...nothing like you could see in D.C.
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