Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Day 2: Roofing

I told everyone on my post yesterday that I'd be doing some drywall. This was true, and drywalling was interesting for about an hour, but they quickly pulled me to do some roofing. So most of my day was spent on the roof of this house:
We shingled half the roof. We'll probably finish it tomorrow. I have to say that after two days I still love manual labor. It was hot, but I love the heat. I hope I'll get to do this kind of stuff when I go down to Peru.

Here's a shot from the roof of the remains of the house across the street. Just a concrete porch.
There's a huge group of people from a bank called Univest in Souderton, PA here. They're company was originally founded by Mennonites and they send they're employees down here on trips every year. They even pay them while they're down here. I had no idea such awesome companies existed... So instead of posting lots of stuff like last night, I'm going to try to be social with the Univest and MDS people.

And by the way, thanks for all the comments! I feel so loved!


Anonymous said...

Glad you are making new friends---I bet it is from those interactions that you learn the most. God bless you Jared. -e

1 John 5:13-15

Pete Murphy said...

Dude, much as I empathize with a love for manual labor, trust me on this: a few more days of roofing in that sun (and it isn't even summer yet) and you'll wish for a swift death. But is is better than doing drywall.

Hope you're well... keep on keepin'!

Jared said...

Drywall is tomorrow...