Saturday, May 5, 2007

Day 5: Rain, Mud, and Spiderman

Yesterday was the last day for most of the short-termers who were only at Pass Christian for a week. Fortunately for me, the Univest group decided to leave mid-day so they could get back home at a decent hour. That means only a half day of work for Jared!

Unfortunately most of the half workday was spent out in the rain and mud... Here's a shot of me hiding from the torrential downpour under the DeDeaux house.
Here are the short-termers for the week. Take note of the nasty beard on the guy on the left.
And a shout out to the long-term volunteers. These guys are awesome and wonderfully patient with us unskilled folk.The three youngins in the middle of that picture went with me to see Spiderman 3 last night. I enjoyed it. It had good thematics and good action, even if it seemed a bit slow in the middle. I think the story was just as good, if not better than the other movies, but just not executed well. The dialogue was a bit weak at times too.

Of course the whole sequence with the evil Peter Parker - only God knows what they were thinkin when they made that. During the jazz club scen, I commented to my neighbor that Spiderman had jumped the shark...

Fortunately, the ending made up for that evil Peter Parker garbage, in my opinion.

The one thing that kinda bugged me about the movie was that Venom went to God to ask for help, and even though his motives were wrong, he died without understanding why his lust for power and revenge was wrong. I felt like killing Venom was a Hollywoodification to satisfy the bloodlust of the audience. This is ironic because it's completely contradictory to the theme of the rest of the movie.

So go see Spiderman. I'm excited for 28 Weeks Later which comes out next week.


Paul said...

The way Venom went out wasn't contradictory to the rest of the movie... it was all about hard choices and Brock chose the easy way out by trying to regain the symbiote and thus avoid the difficulties ahead in rebuilding his life.

In any case, it's better than the Brock-gets-cancer, Brock-attempts-suicide storyline they had Venom go out with in the comic.

Oh, and I was fine with Emo-Spiderman up until the Jazz club scene... the finger-pointing weirdness was over the top, no doubt, but still felt in line with the geeky-kid-with-power motif of the Spiderman story...

Anonymous said...


it was great talking with you and getting to know you a little. I wished our week could have been extended, since just as we were all warming up to each other, we had to leave.

We were welcomed home this morning by most of the executives from our Bank at a breakfast gathering. The pictures and the stories are only a glimpse of the amazing times we experienced.

Some of us saw Spiderman on friday night in Atlanta where we stayed for the night. It was great.

Take care and look us up sometime when you're back in PA. Your blog is being emailed around this morning to many of the trip members. Keep us posted on your adventures. God Bless.

Alex. (the big and tall, sometimes silent opposed to the big and tall, always talking Scott)

Jared said...

Alex - Glad you guys got back ok. The Canadians outnumber us by aboot 19 to 3 this week! And unfortunately nobody lost their pants on day 1...